Blog: Miss Lois’ magical babyballet classes
Miss Lois, babyballet Stoke-on-Trent, Stone and Blythe Bridge franchisee, has written a short blog about her experience as a babyballet teacher and the joy that classes bring to her life, as well as the families of the little stars who attend.
| Some people like ‘people watching’, sitting in a cafe and watching the world go by. At babyballet, one of my favourite things is parent watching! But not in the way you would think …
Now I don’t have a lot of time to do this as I’m always very busy engaging and teaching the babyballet stars, but sometimes I catch a glimpse.
It’s that proud look on a parent’s face when their little one has perfected their curtesy or bow. Or that Mummy that wiped a tear away when her little boy walked over to collect his props on his own for the first time. Magical moments that make me emotional too!
It’s that moment when the shy little girl left her mother’s side to walk on her tiptoes with her scarves around the room. Me and Mum share an ecstatic smile.
I love watching the reactions of the parents when the little ones achieve something, however big or small it may be.
The way the parents smile proudly as they watch their child collect a certificate just melts my heart.
It always impresses me in our tots classes how friendly and kind the mums are to the other babies too. I often see them playing with a child who approaches them and it’s truly lovely to see.
It’s great when the other parent does the class with their little one. I love to see the reaction of the grown up as they watch their child in the class having never seen them do it before.
I caught another glimpse the other day as a Mum clapped with true joy as her daughter did her ‘Flutterstar the Fairy wings’ walking over to Miss Lois.
babyballet is a truly magical world, and for us teachers some of the magic is seeing the wonderful reactions from proud parents.
Miss Lois x |
We would like to say a big thank you to Miss Lois for sharing this gorgeous blog with us and opening up about life as a babyballet teacher.
To book classes at babyballet Stoke-on-Trent, Stone and Blythe Bridge, please follow this link: https://babyballet.co.uk/babyballet-school/stoke-on-trent-central-stone-blythe-bridge/
If you would like your little star to experience the magical world of babyballet and join a class now, please click here. Alternatively, if you would like to become part of the babyballet franchise family and run your own classes please go to our website.