Blog: Spooktacular Halloween celebrations are upon us!
As the leaves fall and the nights draw in, there’s more than a hint of excitement in the air for little ones and their families as Hallowe’en is hiding just around the corner! At babyballet, we love to dress up and Halloween really is one of our favourite times of the year. From witches to wizards and pumpkins to ghouls, there are so many costumes to choose from. Not to mention all the yummy sweets and treats. And at babyballet, we don’t like to do things by halves.

In fact, across the UK, baby ballet teachers up and down the country are planning some very special Halloween dance classes for you and your little ones. And, as you can see in the picture, even Twinkle and Teddy are joining in the Spooktacular fun.
Dressing up is so much fun!
Whether your little star is a would-be Harry or Hermione, or a little skeleton or ghost, dressing up for Hallowe’en is something all little ones can take part in. And this Hallowe’en we want your littles ones to really get into the spirit (!) and come to their baby ballet class dressed up! We’ve planned a whole host of fun games during regular babyballet classes. We can’t list all the fabulous events our inventive and inspiring teachers have cooked up, but we can pull out a few highlights for you to look out for. For example, babyballet in Brighton & Hove, Shoreham and Haywards Heath aren’t just dressing up for one day – they’ve decided to have a whole week of dressing up and Hallowe’en hijinks. To find out more, you can click here to go to their Facebook page.
And if Brighton & Hove happens to actually be your local babyballet school then you’d better get cracking on your costume ideas. We can’t wait to see what you come up with, so please do remember to post your costume highlights on social media #babyballet!
Halloween fun at home …
The fun is never ending as we have a Halloween themed colouring sheet for you to print and keep your little one occupied with during the half term break. It’s as simple as clicking here to Download!

Stay safe everyone!
And finally, before we jump onto our babyballet broomsticks and zoom off into the night, we just wanted to remind you all to stay safe out there. If you are going trick or treating, then please always keep your little ones with you at all times. It’s exciting to be outside in costume in the dark, but it can also be a little bit scary so make sure you talk through what’s going to happen – whether you’re out on Hallowe’en itself or at a babyballet party, so that your little one feels safe and knows that Halloween is only a bit of fun and there’s nothing to be scared of. On behalf of all the babyballet team, we wish you the most spooky and special of times. Now where did we leave our magic wands..
Snap, post, tag!
We can’t wait to hear all about your Halloween party celebrations and see your how your wonderful costumes ideas turned out, so don’t forget to post your best photos online and tag us on Facebook (@babyballetUK), Instagram (@babyballetworld) or Twitter (@babyballetUK).

#babyballet #babyballethalloween #babyballetspooktacular