guest blog: the personal guilt of a working mum
Guilty or not guilty?….That is the question.
10 weeks ago my life turned upside down when I gave birth to my son. I’m guessing most people reading this will be parents themselves so will understand wholeheartedly the magnitude of becoming a parent – I understood life would change but what I hadn’t really prepared for was how I was going to juggle being a mummy and running a business – not just any business – being a babyballet® franchisee!!
babyballet® has always been my ‘baby’. It has consumed my life for the last 6 years and I have loved (pretty much) every minute of it. Watching it grow from nothing to something has been so full-filling and not only has the business grown beyond what I could have ever expected – I too have grown as a person.
I now have a real baby to nurture and watch grow!
I always knew I’d be taking a step back from work when my son (we named him Bay) arrived, but at 10 weeks old I’m already back in the office for at least 2-3 hours every day! Thank goodness for Nanny!
Is this right? Who knows. Do I want to continue to nurture my first ‘baby’ and give it the time and energy it requires to continue to run and thrive? Of course I do … do I feel guilty for not spending every waking moment with my real baby?
of course I do.
What I have realised is that you can’t do it all. All you can do is try your hardest each and every day to give as much as you can whilst retaining your sanity!!!
I’m sure I’m not alone in my feelings – any working mummy will understand.
I love my business and I love my son.
I’m sure I’ll always have feelings of guilt – guilty when working for not being at home and guilty when being at home for not working!
It’s a juggling act – one I suspect I will get quite good at!
But one thing I do know. I am extremely blessed to have both and I will always be thankful for that 😉
Miss Claire x
babyballet Bournemouth and Poole
babyballet Classes are for children from 6 months to 6 years old. These movement-to-music dance classes are the perfect activity for tots, toddlers and pre-schoolers to exercise, make friends and grow in confidence. Miss Claire is a franchisee running her own dance school and ballet classes for kids on behalf of the international babyballet brand. Boys and girls love to learn to dance at babyballet in Bournemouth, Poole and surrounding areas. To find out more about a three week trial, please click here.