We love babyballet class! > blog by Life With My Babydoll
If you follow me on any of my social media accounts, you’ll know it’s no secret that we absolutely love babyballet and would recommend the classes to everyone. Being a single parent I’ve always wanted to give Kimaarah the best experiences and opportunities from a young age
I first took Kimaarah along to a babyballet class when she was just 8 months old. I know what you’re thinking, how can a baby who’s barely crawling take part in a dance class? Well you might be surprised to know that babies can actually start from 6 months and no pointe shoes are needed! The ‘babyballet tots’ classes are from 6-18 months and mainly focus on playing with instruments, sensory play, singing along with songs with the help of Twinkle and Teddy, the babyballet bears.
From the first class we were hooked. We paid for a 3 week trial which is another thing I loved as to be fair I didn’t know what to expect, I’m not one of these mums who does every baby class going and I’m not ashamed to admit that I find some a bit cringey. The 3 week trial was £15 so you’re not spending loads upfront, as let’s be honest we all know how unpredictable babies can be. I had nothing to worry about as Kimaarah LOVED her ballet classes from the beginning and every week I found myself counting down the days until the next class. I’m not sure who enjoyed it more! Plus, what can be cuter than a chunky baby in a pink frilly tutu! I loved dressing Kimaarah in her babyballet uniform, and still do, although these days she has a lot more of an opinion on what she likes to wear. I’d like to think that her early days of ballet had something to do with her obsession with pretty, girly dresses, or maybe it was Mummy’s obsession with Spanish clothing, although that’s a different post altogether.
Fast forward to now, I’ve gone from having a lovely little baby to a lovely but demanding and opinionated 3 (going on 13) year old. Kimaarah is now in the babyballet ‘movers’ class and does tap as well as ballet, for a whole hour. Which you’re probably thinking ‘that’s a long time for a 3 year old to be dancing’ but I can promise you I’m not one of these pushy Dance Moms that you see on TV. The classes are so much fun and all the children are kept fully engaged by their teacher with different dances, songs, learning new moves. Kimaarah has actually had the same teacher for the whole time she’s been attending babyballet, I can personally speak for all of the parents in our class and say she is so amazing at what she does. Sometimes Kimaarah (being the diva she is) will decide she doesn’t want to listen, or sometimes the kids all start mucking about with each other, their teacher never ever gets mad, she deals with them so calmly and patiently .. I’ll be the first to admit I could never do what she does! Every child in the class is encouraged (and not pushed) to do their best and most importantly to enjoy themselves!
Here’s what else I think you should know about babyballet classes:
- All classes follow the EYFS framework which makes them the perfect choice of activity from a young age.
- babyballet® was set up as an introduction to dance for children which would allow them to take part in fun classes away from the traditional ‘strict’ dance classes you’d experience elsewhere.
- I personally find classes very affordable and brilliant value for money. You have the choice of paying every term or monthly by direct debit. For tap and ballet we pay around £35 a month so definitely not stage school prices!
- babyballet® gives children amazing opportunities, next year Kimaarah will be in the show that happens every year for the 3-6 year olds which we are so excited about!
- Last year she was also invited to take part in filming for ITV2 The Baby Diaries with Sam and Billie Faiers and was actually on TV! Maybe this explains the diva behaviour from her …
You can find more information and your nearest class by clicking here: https://babyballet.co.uk/find-a-class/
Please leave a comment below if you wanted to ask me anything!
All views are my own and I have not been paid for this review
This blog was published on https://www.lifewithmybabydoll.com/babyballet/