Babies have been dancing at babyballet in Bury & Bolton for a decade!
babyballet® Bury and Bolton launched their first babyballet® classes in 2009 at various venues in Bury and Bolton. They welcomed preschoolers and their families to come and join the fun in ballet and tap classes that follow the bespoke babyballet syllabus.
From as young as 6 months, babyballet® dance classes provide the opportunity for babies and young children to learn and develop key life skills in a healthy and safe environment. Ten years on, this is something that dedicated franchisee, Michelle, is continually proud to deliver!
To celebrate the diamond anniversary of the ballet school, Miss Michelle and her team of dance teachers ran a series of extra-special classes for their little stars from the 8th to the 14th July.
They ran special party classes during the week and the babyballet® mascot bear, Twinkle, made an appearance at one of the original babyballet Bury and Bolton venues, Christ Church in Ramsbottom.
On Saturday 14th July, together with the Community Café, Michelle and her team managed to raise over £120 for an amazing cause. The Isabelle Molloy’s fundraiser was set up in June this year by one of our babyballet Mummy’s, Lindsay Wheatley, for a little girl who sadly lost her mummy before she was even born.
Rachel Molloy, Isabelle’s Mum, just days before her due date collapsed and died from a Splenic Artery Aneurysm. This is a rare complication of pregnancy that is fatal to mother and baby.
Isabelle was born just 30 minutes after Rachel collapsed and her heart stopped. Isabelle wasn’t breathing and had to be resuscitated. She then suffered a number of seizures, a direct cause of a brain injury caused by a lack of oxygen before her birth. The doctors put her on a ventilator and into a cooling chamber to reduce the risk of further brain damage.
After spending 84 days in intensive care and defying all odds, Isabelle is now home. She still has a very long journey ahead of her and her fight is by no means over.
The money raised has gone towards helping Nick and Isabelle for her future care and medical needs. If you would like to donate towards this cause, please go to: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/isabelle-molloy
We would like to say CONGRATULATIONS and well done to Miss Michelle and all of the team at babyballet Bury and Bolton on this huge achievement – an amazing 10 years of teaching and bringing the magic of babyballet to little stars in their area.
For more information about classes, please contact Miss Michelle on 07725 878515 or email buryandbolton@babyballet.co.uk. To register your interest online, for dance classes at babyballet Bury and Bolton, click here to see the class timetable.