Guest blog: My Journey to a babyballet Teacher
Miss Rachel, babyballet Alton and Basingstoke West franchisee, has written a short post about her journey to becoming a babyballet teacher and franchisee.
| For as long as I can possibly remember dance has been part of me. When you learn to love something so young, there isn’t a time in your life you can remember it not being there.
With that said there was also a space in time where dance was part of me but not part of my life. The thing that made me ‘me’ was not actually present. As we get older our journeys change, we need to make life choices and we grow, we have families and our priorities in life shift. I guess in all of us if we are honest something gets slightly lost. For me that was dancing.
I think I have been aware of this for a long while. Getting married and having children, I realised that there was part of my life that they just didn’t know. My husband and children would have always known my history, my training, my passion and my ‘dancing world’ but what would that mean? How can Mummy be Mummy without being me?
I could of course still go to dance classes and pop out for an hour one evening or at the weekend but somehow that just didn’t seem enough. All my years of training, the blood sweat and tears – it had to be worth more?
One day something just clicked, my second child was just 7 months and I had this really strong urge to make a change. One of my best friends had been running babyballet Bournemouth and Poole for 6 + years and I knew that’s what I wanted to be doing. I called her for a chat, called Head Office and just 10 months later I am sat here writing this as babyballet Alton and Basingstoke franchisee and teacher.
I can’t tell you how rewarding my job is, I can’t tell you the amount of times I have been secretly a little emotional when seeing my little ones dance. My shy ones, slowly but surely building their confidence. My little whirlwinds, fully focusing at certain points. The look on their faces when they really are visiting Flutterstar the Fairy in the sky. When they know what’s coming next and having to correct ‘Miss Rachel’.
Yes, this is a job and yes, I am part of a bigger franchise, but we are a close team of women and men that are all striving for the same thing. To make our individual schools the best they possibly can be for our little dancers. We have a support team there for us daily so that we can concentrate on what’s important, our classes!
Of course it’s hard work, doing my paperwork I fully class as ‘work’ but I can honestly say that when I leave to teach I have never called it going to work.
I can’t wait for our September term to start. I can’t wait to spread the babyballet magic to Basingstoke and for Miss Emily who has worked so hard beside me to start her own lessons.
Much love Miss Rachel |
We would like to say a big thank you to Miss Rachel for sharing this lovely post with us and opening up about life as a babyballet teacher and franchisee.
To book classes at babyballet Alton and Basingstoke, please follow this link: https://babyballet.co.uk/babyballet-school/alton-basingstoke-west/
If you would like your little star to experience the magical world of babyballet and join a class now, please click here. Alternatively, if you would like to become part of the babyballet franchise family and run your own classes please go to our website.
babyballet Alton and Basingstoke West Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/babyballetaltonbasingstokewest/